FromCounsel is an innovative and fully maintained online English employment law service.

We harness the collective expertise of leading barristers at Cloisters Chambers and our team of experienced professional support lawyers to deliver you authoritative legal commentary and analysis on complex areas of employment law.

Q&A Content

Our content is delivered in Question and Answer (Q&A) format, ensuring you get straight to the answer you need. Rather than returning a range of different resources for the user to review, our expert team formulate answers by reviewing the information and amalgamating both public and importantly private data and insights with the views and expertise of leading counsel. 

FromCounsel’s content is fully searchable, enabling you to access required information quickly and easily. Search results can be filtered by content section, specific legislation, and case law, allowing you to tailor the search. 

FC Employment Knowledge User guide - Q&A

Content depth

Our Q&A content is presented in two ways:

  • Full fat: For self-contained answers with deep, comprehensive analysis

  • Skimmed: For a brief overview of the topic

Our archive is for reference only.

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Editors’ view

By using the private 'information bank' available through our team of leading barristers, FromCounsel is able to give a trusted ‘editors’ view’ on difficult or complex points of law. This ensures FromCounsel always provides an answer to the questions that practitioners face. 

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FromCounsel’s fully maintained legislation service gives you access to accurate versions of all key company legislation for employment lawyers.
Legislation is integrated into our Q&A commentary, so that you can review referenced provisions alongside our Q&A content at the click of a button.
FC Employment Knowledge User guide - legislation


Our news service keeps you up-to-date with key developments, sent straight to your inbox. Features include insights from leading counsel on the latest case law.
Timeline, summary and horizon scanning publications provide quick-read updates to keep you on top of developments even during busy periods. 
News updates go live on the site in real-time and our archive is fully searchable.
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You can the frequency of your 'daily briefing' by going to 'My Account', then selecting 'My Account', then 'My Preferences'.

This will allow you to opt in or out and set the frequency.

FC Corporate Knowledge User guide - News settings


Searching on FromCounsel is easy and intuitive.
Enter your search term(s) in the top bar and select the resource you wish to search in via the funnel drop-down. By using the funnel drop-down, you can search in any resource, from any resource.
You can filter search results by:
  • Q&A: Q&A section, relevant legislation, or case law
  • News: by date range
FC Employment Knowledge User guide - searching

Search Tips

  • Synonyms and acronyms are applied to search terms unless quotation marks are used eg, AGM and annual general meeting
  • Use quotation marks around all required search words and phrases to return results with all those exact words and phrases eg, "disability" "equality"
  • Typing errors will not be corrected by search
  • Prepositions (such as on, an, if) will be disregarded
  • Search applies stemming which means it will look for versions of the search term, eg, employ will match employed, employs, employing. 
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You can select content by clicking on the use box next to Q&A, News and Legislation. Once you’ve found the information you need you can share, email, print, or download it with ease. 
When sharing a link, you must click on the share icon, then click on the paperclip icon and wait for the turquoise box to disappear - this tells you that the link to your bespoke selection is now created and ready to share.
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Annotations can be activated by contacting your account manager and requires single sign-on (SSO) to be in place. 
FromCounsel’s advanced annotations tool allows users to add secure annotations to our Q&A and Legislation. Individuals can add private annotations, and designated 'super users' can add annotations visible to the whole firm.
FC Employment Knowledge User guide - annotations

My Account

The My Account feature allows subscribers to:

  • reset password
  • view search history
  • manage daily briefing preferences
  • view PIN - see below 


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PIN Access

If your firm uses single sign-on (SSO), you can access FromCounsel outside your firm's network by using your PIN. To log in using your PIN, go to,  click 'To log in using your PIN, click here', then enter your work email and your PIN. 
Your PIN will not work as your password - you must go to the PIN login. We recommend you make a note of your PIN as you can only access this when logged into the service. 
If you do not have single sign-on and wish to enquire about this, please contact your account manager. 
FC Corporate Knowledge User guide - pin login

Social Media

For announcements about our new products and services, follow us on LinkedIn.